Disability Parking Placards
Both foreign and out-of-state disability parking permits are considered valid for parking in designated accessible parking spaces in Illinois. With either a disability license plate or placard, you can also park free at metered parking spaces in Chicago except those limited to 30 minutes or less. The placard must be hung from the rearview mirror. Watch for day/hours sign restrictions to avoid being ticketed or towed. If you are renting a wheelchair accessible van, the company will provide a parking placard for your convenience. Unlike some other states, Illinois does not issue temporary placards to non-residents so be sure to bring your own parking placard with you.
Full details on disability parking in Illinois including a "Persons with Disabilities Certification Placard" application form are available online at www.dmv.org/il-illinois/disabled-drivers.php or call 217-782-2709.
Gas Stations
Illinois law requires gas station attendants to pump gas at the self-serve price to people displaying either a disability placard or license plate. If, however, only one employee is on duty, they are not required to comply.
Accessible Taxis
More than 20 taxi companies in Chicago currently operate wheelchair accessible vehicles (WAVs) equipped with ramp, wheelchair securement and shoulder and lap belt. Open Taxis, the centralized dispatch service run by Open Doors Organization, is open 24/7 to take your reservation or to dispatch a WAV for immediate pickup. Call Open Taxis toll-free at 855.WAV.1010 (855.928.1010) or email Dispatch1@opendoorsnfp.org.Accessible Van Transportation
All-Ways Medical Carriers
800-709-0700 (Illinois)
847-279-2740 (Out of state)
Based in the northern suburbs, this transportation company serves Cook, Lake and DuPage counties. It has lift-equipped vehicles of various capacities and can provide accessible transportation for any purpose including airport and hotel shuttle service. Dispatchers available daily from 6am-8pm.
Chicago Disability Transit
Fax 630-653-5591
E-mail: reservations@chicagodisabilitytransit.com
This disability-owned company, centrally located on Ohio Street, serves corporations and individuals in both city and suburbs. It has fully accessible vans and cars. Service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Private trips can be booked by email, phone or fax during regular business hours.
SCR Medical Transportation
773-768-7320 (TTY)
Located in the Chicago South area, this company provides public and private paratransit service and has wheelchair accessible mini-vans, full-size vans and mini-buses. Service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Private trips can be booked online or by phone.
Paratransit Services
Pace Paratransit
547 W. Jackson Blvd., 10th Fl.
Chicago, IL 60661
TTY 888-847-0093
Fax 847-228-2329
E-mail: Passenger.Services@pacebus.com
Registered paratransit riders who would like to extend their eligibility to Chicago while visiting must present documentation that they are ADA paratransit eligible for the jurisdiction in which they reside. ADA paratransit certification (with expiration date) and a photo ID should be sent to Pace to arrive at least 7 days before the first desired day of travel. Pace will then issue an RTA paratransit pass good for 21 days per 365-day period and provide a list of phone numbers for the various paratransit operators. Once certified, visitors can set up arrival and departure paratransit rides, if desired. Certification also allows visitors to use the Taxi Access Program.
Taxi Access Program (TAP)
TTY 888-847-0093
The Taxi Access Program allows RTA certified paratransit customers to travel in taxis at reduced rates for trips within the City of Chicago. TAP Swipe Card trips, good for a one-way taxi ride valued up to $13.50, may be purchased for $5.00 each. Riders must pay the difference if the taxi meter exceeds $13.50. Trips may be purchased online, by mail or in person at Chicago & LaSalle Currency Exchange, 777 N. LaSalle Street, Chicago, IL 60610. Up to 30 trips may be purchased per week but only 4 used per day. An application form for a TAP Swipe Card is included at the website listed above